www.fantasticfridges.com - Cooling the Future - Efficiency1
- 1. The amount of energy (or heat) a mass of substance holds (begins with E)
- 3. The 1st law of physics "Energy cannot be created or ---------
- 4. Common name for NH3
- 9. This cycle states that maximum efficiency of a heat engine depends on its input and output temperature
- 10. The name for heat added to melt ice or boil the fluid
- 11. The name for heat added to raise the temperature of a boiling fluid
- 12. Most mechanical cooling systems are based on the Vapour ----------- Cyle
- 2. The study of heat movement
- 5. The lowest theoretical temperature is known as -------- Zero-
- 6. Unit of measurement of energy
- 7. The absolute temperature scale
- 8. This curve defines the boundary of pure liquid and pure gas or vapour on a chart
- 9. A method of heat transfer. Usually through a solid material.