Wyatt's Unit 2 vocab

  1. 2. the author's particular attitude either stated or implied in writing
  2. 4. a specificaly convention by an author to provid structure such as imagery and irony.
  3. 5. a stage in the writing process when a text is examined to find places where sentences could be put in or taken out.
  4. 7. the method in which an author uses to constructs a character's by explicitly or implictly reveling aspects of a character's life.
  5. 10. language not ment to be taken literly example simili metephor and hyperbaly.
  6. 11. a passage written in first person like an atobioagraphey.
  7. 14. the central universal idea of a literary text.
  8. 16. Man vs man man vs self group vs group.
  1. 1. the author's thoughtful use of precise vocabulary to fully convey meaning to the reader.
  2. 3. written works that are generally reconized as having artistic value.
  3. 6. the atmosphere of the feeling created by the writer in a literary work.
  4. 8. an author's unique articulation or expression of the language created by the stylistic elements as syntax diction and figurative lanuage.
  5. 9. a literary device used by an author to give hints about futre events
  6. 12. a stage in the writing process when written text is prepared for an audience by attending to and correcting mechanical gramer and spelling.
  7. 13. the unique way a person writes.
  8. 15. The time and place when the story takes place.