x-rays and medical imaging

  1. 3. a device for x-rays
  2. 8. a form of electromagnetic radiation
  3. 11. much exposure to radiation or repeated exposure
  4. 12. eliminating the need for surgical procedures to visualize internal structures.
  5. 13. increasing the chances of treatment of diseases and conditions
  6. 15. positively charged device for x-rays
  7. 16. an alternative method for imaging the body
  8. 18. x-rays are used for a wide variety of imaging
  9. 19. release of energy in the form of X-rays.
  10. 20. emits a stream of electrons
  11. 21. medical x-ray imaging technique
  12. 22. x-ray can pass though tissue creating an internal image of the body
  13. 23. regulates the amount of radiation to optimize exposure
  14. 24. three-dimensional x-ray imaging
  15. 25. process of imaging the interior of a body for clinical analysis
  1. 1. messurement for x-rays
  2. 2. process for generating x-rays
  3. 4. a form of radiation that travel though the universe
  4. 5. teaching patient about the benefits of x-ray imaging
  5. 6. another form of imaging the body but without radiation
  6. 7. x-rays are used to avoid critical parts of the body
  7. 9. radiation with enough energy to remove bound electrons
  8. 10. imaging of x-rays in real time (constant emmison)
  9. 14. patients wear aprons to prevent excessive radiation exposure
  10. 17. regulate radiation exposure, ensuring adherence to safety guidelines.