Y7 End of Year Crossword

  1. 3. permanent escape from the cycle of samsara (Buddhism)
  2. 5. one of the three poisons: aka delusion
  3. 11. a step on the eightfold path: no lying
  4. 14. the immortal soul that is reincarnated after death
  5. 15. a sudden realisation of the nature of reality
  6. 17. a French dualist who said 'cogito ergo sum'
  7. 19. earthly manifestations of gods in human form
  8. 20. the three main godly manifestations of Brahman
  9. 21. an ancient Greek dualist philosopher
  1. 1. liberation from samsara and reunion with Brahman
  2. 2. one of the six realms: pinhole mouths
  3. 4. the theory that there is only one substance
  4. 6. a remarkable experience during cardiac arrest
  5. 7. an ancient Greek monist philosopher
  6. 8. the ultimate reality in Hinduism
  7. 9. Christian belief that God weighs your actions
  8. 10. the oldest set of Hindu scriptures
  9. 12. different methods for achieving union with Brahman
  10. 13. the cycle or karma and reincarnation
  11. 16. the cause of suffering in Buddhism
  12. 17. the theory that there are two substances
  13. 18. a spiritual force of cause and effect