
  1. 2. malicious intent manipulate/crash systems
  2. 5. manipulates protocols to communicate
  3. 8. sequence of events when opened disrupt
  4. 10. attempt to obtain sensitive info
  5. 11. mail distributed through the internet
  6. 13. Programs & other operating machines / info
  7. 14. Virus named after a greek myth
  8. 15. steels info under normal conditions
  1. 1. First pc virus & first stealth virus
  2. 3. Modifies & deletes files
  3. 4. no malicious intent & displayed simple message
  4. 6. "unavailable service"
  5. 7. email virus containing "i love you" ect
  6. 9. Damages machines, copies itself, infects host
  7. 12. hides itself by continually renaming and moving itself around the disc