Year 1 was Fun + More to Come
- 2. sexy-functional-warm attire
- 6. _________ for dinner!
- 9. A+ gear rec
- 10. soon to be status
- 12. baker boy headwear
- 14. how I knew you were cool, for short
- 15. Katmai NP fun
- 16. camping in the rain
- 18. risque bedroom attire
- 19. house that brought us together
- 20. you score so many
- 21. new hood
- 22. second fav activity, for you
- 25. gf's most abundant bodily fluid
- 26. a car, an adventure
- 30. old hood
- 31. do you want to marry me?
- 1. fav camping gear
- 3. fresh beats canned
- 4. USWNT jersey
- 5. you like me ________ much
- 7. vday delicacy
- 8. new year's aperitif
- 10. metaphorical/physical third date feel?
- 11. first kiss pic
- 13. fav activity, for you
- 15. fav camping activity
- 16. Smokey's fake name
- 17. turmeric party starter
- 23. I ______ you very much
- 24. great blue heron's soulmate
- 27. favorite digestif
- 28. your feet
- 29. tool of financial responsibility