Year 8 Science Revision
- 4. Rock that can floats on water
- 8. Naturally occurring solid substances
- 9. Parent rock to Gneiss
- 11. directly transmitted through material
- 14. Most common mineral
- 15. controls cellular transport
- 16. heat or electricity is directly transmitted through material
- 18. Complex type of cell division
- 20. used to look at minuscule items
- 21. sends signals to the brain
- 22. Brakes down fats
- 25. useful energy over energy input times 100
- 26. the emission of energy
- 1. control center of the cell
- 2. sight of photosynthesis
- 3. movement that forms a current where warm air rises and then cools
- 5. Formed from rocks that have changed
- 6. contains heat for long period of time
- 7. Power house in a cell
- 10. Parent rock to marble
- 12. Rock type that forms from melted lava
- 13. Parent rock to Slate
- 17. strongest substance on earth
- 19. Potential Energy
- 23. Rock type that is compacted and cemented
- 24. Bacteria and Archae come from this family