Year 9 Science Revision

  1. 3. They vibrate when you're cold
  2. 6. The liver is a part of the _________ system
  3. 7. Where the nervous system passes through the back
  4. 9. _______ is an important nutrient for bodybuilding
  5. 10. The centre of the nervous system
  6. 12. Part of the respiratory system
  7. 13. The human leather
  1. 1. Heartbeat from your wrist or neck
  2. 2. The passage for air to reach your lungs
  3. 4. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon _______
  4. 5. _______ feedback keeps homeostasis
  5. 8. When you're cold, your blood protects your _______
  6. 10. The skeletal system is made up of _____
  7. 11. This liquid needs to be kept at a very certain pH in the human body