Year of the Bible March 2013

  1. 1. When Paul and ____ were in prison, an earthquake opened the prison doors.
  2. 5. Aaron's staff budded, blossomed and produced _____.
  3. 6. Do not wear clothes of wool and ____ together.
  4. 8. Paul stayed in Corinth with the Jew Aquila and his wife ______.
  5. 11. Moses commanded that every seven years the ____ is be read during the Feast of the Tabernacle.
  6. 13. Aaron died on Mount ____.
  7. 14. _______ means second law.
  8. 15. The _____ of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ.
  9. 17. Hear O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. This called the ____.
  10. 19. At Malta a ____ fastened itself to Paul's hand.
  11. 21. _______ was a dealer in purple cloth from the town of Thyatira.
  12. 23. Sampson, the strong man of Israel, was a _____.
  13. 24. This tribe carried the ark of the covenant.
  14. 25. Moses died on Mount ____ in Moab.
  1. 2. If God is for us, who can be _____ us?
  2. 3. God commanded the Israelite men to put _____ on their clothes to remember God's commands.
  3. 4. Honor your ___ and mother.
  4. 6. The Lord is my _____ and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
  5. 7. Whenever the cloud lifted over the ______, the Israelites set out.
  6. 8. Paul was a ______.
  7. 9. The man who gathered ______ on the sabbath was to be stoned to death.
  8. 10. In the book of Romans, Paul writes of his desire to visit and preach in ____.
  9. 12. Saul, Saul, why do you ______ me?
  10. 16. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your _____.
  11. 18. Because the Israelites begged for meat instead of manna daily, God sent ___ for a month.
  12. 20. The waters of _____ is where Moses struck a rock twice with his staff.
  13. 22. At the end of every seven years, you must cancel ____.
  14. 25. Joshua, son of ____, succeeded Moses as leader of the Israelites.