You Are Here, Connecting Flights: Chapter 2 Crossword

  1. 1. What the Jae wants his parents to feel about him
  2. 3. A Korean dish that the characters constantly think about throughout the chapter
  3. 5. This is a traditional Korean dish consisting of salted and fermented vegetables
  4. 9. Someone who purposely creates problems for other people
  5. 10. Where the Jae's mom works
  6. 12. To Suppose to be the case without proof
  7. 13. What the Jae's dad was supposed to bring to the airport
  8. 14. A system that helps people feel safe wherever they are
  1. 2. Something that the character's struggle with throughout the chapter
  2. 4. A person or thing likely to cause damage or danger
  3. 6. Someone who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities
  4. 7. The little girl the Jae helps at the airport
  5. 8. When your flight cannot leave on time
  6. 11. A fixed wing aircraft that helps transport people over long distances