You know the answer tho!

  1. 2. Your favorite shoe brand
  2. 4. Caca's favorite person
  3. 8. Favorite football club
  4. 9. Your campus
  5. 10. Country you want to visit
  6. 12. Your sign
  7. 13. You and Caca's favorite animal
  8. 14. and bear, Favorite clothing brand
  9. 16. Favorite food
  10. 17. Dream car brand
  1. 1. Car brand you owned
  2. 3. The city you lived in
  3. 5. Favorite color
  4. 6. The cat that you always call "Jeruk"
  5. 7. Caca's favorite color
  6. 11. Your birthday month
  7. 15. Your dream job