Your Cat Kittyword - August 2019

  1. 2. According to folklore, the ancestors of this cat breed were kept as sacred animals in the temples and monasteries of Burma (7)
  2. 4. The largest wildcat today is the ________ Tiger, which can weigh up to 423kg (8)
  3. 5. The well-known ancient proverb claims that cats have how many lives? (4)
  4. 7. Cats have 230 of these in their body, while humans only have 206 (5)
  5. 9. Cats have these on the backs of their front legs, as well as on their face (8)
  6. 11. Cats spend a large amount of time _______ their coats to keep them clean (7)
  7. 12. Animated update of the classic ‘Oliver Twist’ tale, featuring an orphaned ginger kitten: ‘Oliver & _______’ (7)
  1. 1. ‘Eye of the Tiger’ is a song composed by which American rock band? (8)
  2. 3. Italian word for kitten (7)
  3. 6. This large, grey animal with tusks can also purr (8)
  4. 8. Name of the Himalayan cat featured in the film ‘Meet the Parents’ (2,4)
  5. 10. A term used to describe the consumption of non-edible materials (4)