Youth and Criminal Law

  1. 2. A serious criminal offense, usually punishable by a prison term or, in some cases, by death.
  2. 3. An alternative to imprisonment allowing a person found guilty of an offense to stay in the community, usually under conditions and under the supervision of a ____ officer
  3. 5. A formal examination of evidence before a judge, and typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings.
  4. 8. Anything that you see, hear, or read that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened.
  5. 9. A person or persons formally charged but not yet tried for a crime.
  6. 11. The killing of one human being by another human being
  7. 13. The punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime.
  1. 1. The evidence given by a witness under oath. It does not include evidence from documents and other physical evidence.
  2. 4. reus Guilty act
  3. 6. A claim or statement of what a party intends to prove; the facts as one party claims they are.
  4. 7. rea Guilty mind
  5. 10. the period between childhood and adult age.
  6. 12. the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.