Yummy Food

  1. 2. people usually eat this on their birthday A birthday -------
  2. 3. fish and -------
  3. 6. bunnies love --------
  4. 9. Typical breakfast that you eat in a bowl with milk
  5. 11. A palm tree grows these...
  6. 14. This vegetable looks like a mini tree
  7. 15. we live in the big ------
  8. 17. Red with small seeds on the outside
  9. 18. The opposite of a sour potato is a...
  10. 20. Belgium _____ with strawberries
  1. 1. Bears eat -------
  2. 4. it grows on a vine and makes wine
  3. 5. ketchup is made out of this
  4. 7. Monkey loves them
  5. 8. people like ----- and milk
  6. 10. The meal after breakfast and before dinner
  7. 12. French -------
  8. 13. French ____ or pancakes
  9. 16. people put toppings on this
  10. 19. Scrambled, poached, and fried ______