Zany VOcabulary

  1. 2. Very large
  2. 3. More insane or wild than usual
  3. 4. Easier to understand
  4. 6. More active than usual
  5. 8. Of high quality
  6. 11. More amusingly unconventional
  7. 12. Someone unknow
  8. 13. Less common
  9. 16. After a certain time
  10. 19. More knowledgeable
  11. 20. More isolated or alone
  1. 1. More attractive
  2. 4. More stable
  3. 5. More inclined to avoid work.
  4. 7. Timid
  5. 9. Greater in size
  6. 10. More inclined to pry or be curious
  7. 14. More impolite
  8. 15. More undulating or curvy
  9. 17. More untidy or dirty
  10. 18. Near in distance