Zayba Alemi

  1. 4. suffix pertaining to a pregnant women
  2. 6. pertaining to amnion
  3. 7. medical term in relation to menstruation
  4. 8. discharge of amniotic fluid
  5. 10. condition of having painful menstruation flow
  6. 11. medical term pertaining to the fetus
  7. 13. organism created after conception
  8. 14. inflammation occurring in the cervix
  9. 18. suffix pertaining to birth and labor
  10. 20. medical term for yeast infection
  1. 1. study of the female reproductive system
  2. 2. painful intercourse
  3. 3. medical term in relation to sexual intercourse
  4. 5. absence of menstruation
  5. 9. study of newborn and the treatment of their disorders
  6. 12. branch of medicine concerned with childbirth and pregnancy
  7. 15. medical term in relation to birth
  8. 16. female hormone
  9. 17. inflammation of the fallopian tube
  10. 19. medical term in relation to milk