Zoe's Bachelorette Party

  1. 2. Zoe's birthday month
  2. 6. Zoe was sexy in this city's neighborhood
  3. 8. proposal location
  4. 9. Their first vacation abroad
  5. 12. she spent a semester here during high school
  6. 14. Our bride's place of birth
  7. 15. not the oatmeal
  8. 17. The app that brought the lovebirds together
  9. 18. not her hometown, but her home is in this town
  10. 20. Greece or Turkey? ...Or maybe both?
  1. 1. Name of the wedding venue
  2. 3. See you at the wedding venue in ___
  3. 4. not a vegetable, but wow it sparkles!
  4. 5. Zoe's liquor of choice
  5. 7. seal this union with a ____
  6. 10. symbol of marriage
  7. 11. name of groom
  8. 13. Zoe's alma mater
  9. 16. pop the ____! She's getting married!
  10. 19. Not Zoe's, but kind of Zoe's dog