- Random knowledge on Taekwondo -

  1. 3. Taekwondo is our way of _ _ _ _.
  2. 6. If you attain your 1st black belt below 15 years old, you will be a junior black belt which is also known as _ _ _ _ in Korean.
  3. 8. Who is the head instructor of Roy Taekwondo?
  4. 9. How many tenets of Taekwondo are there?
  5. 10. You use this 'thing' which is usually colored red and black to focus your kicking and punching.
  6. 11. PUTS is a member of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Taekwondo Association.
  7. 12. This 3 letter word means "foot".
  8. 14. This 2 letter word means "way of". Combined all the 3 above together, it means "the way of the foot and fist"
  9. 15. This is the main event in any competition which involves 2 person. What is this event called in Korean term?
  10. 17. This 4 letter word means "fist".
  11. 18. What is the Taekwondo training place called in Korean?
  1. 1. Roy Taekwondo emphasizes this important aspect of life for your self improvement.
  2. 2. Roy Taekwondo also emphasizes this aspect in everyday life towards every other people.
  3. 4. You need to learn this special form/pattern once you attain any color belt. What is it known in Korean?
  4. 5. What is the common thing to do when you meet any senior, instructor and when a class starts?
  5. 7. What is the grade when you start your Taekwondo journey as a white belter?
  6. 12. How many colors does the Korea flag have?
  7. 13. What is your uniform known as in Korean?
  8. 16. You are a member of the Penang _ _ _ _ _ _ Taekwondo Society(PUTS).
  9. 17. Where did Taekwondo originate from?