------Robert------ Adventures Through the Years

  1. 1. Age
  2. 4. Cana Blanca
  3. 5. Restored sports car
  4. 6. His neighbor had one of these staked in their front yard
  5. 8. Only sister
  6. 9. Paid $800 to bail two of these out of the pound and they weren't even his
  7. 11. Career he should have done
  8. 13. The Gateway Show
  9. 15. Second language
  10. 16. Favorite lunch restaurant in Big Bear
  11. 18. Boy scout ranking
  12. 21. Grew in his childhood backyard
  13. 24. Law School graduated from
  14. 25. Mom's name
  15. 28. Man's best friend
  16. 30. Anniversary Cafe
  17. 33. Robert's favorite barking dog
  18. 34. Wife's favorite food to share with him at Disneyland
  19. 35. Oldest sibling
  20. 38. Favorite hot sauce
  21. 39. Constant companion
  1. 1. Childhood sport
  2. 2. They use to sleep on his back patio
  3. 3. Robert uses Chugwater, what is it?
  4. 6. What city did Robert grow up in?
  5. 7. Island at the lake house
  6. 10. Where he proposed
  7. 12. Color of his Tibetan meditation robe
  8. 14. My black lab
  9. 17. Elementary school friend
  10. 19. Name of Robert's high school
  11. 20. Dad's name
  12. 22. Robert's profession
  13. 23. Exchange student in this country
  14. 26. Total number of siblings
  15. 27. Middle name
  16. 29. Instrument played as child
  17. 31. The Gateway
  18. 32. All food should be served with
  19. 36. Country the blue stone in his ring is from
  20. 37. Friend in elementary school