0-2 years

  1. 1. average newborn gets 16 hours per day
  2. 4. The process of getting used to an object or event through repeated exposure to it
  3. 5. quiet sleep, increases at 3-4 months
  4. 6. The billions of nerve cells in the central nervous system
  5. 7. disease of chronic malnutrition during childhood child becomes more likely to get other diseases such as measles, diarrhea and influenza
  6. 8. like fMRI but requires injection of dye
  7. 10. Happen to some infants but not all, not necessary for brain function (i.e. language baby hears)
  8. 11. active and creative exploration using trial and error
  9. 12. inborn drive to fix a developmental deficit
  10. 13. severe malnutrition during infancy child stops growing, tissues waste away and then usually dies
  11. 14. when not enough food of any kind is consumed
  12. 16. Physical abilities involving small body movements (e.g. drawing, picking up a coin)
  13. 19. triples by age 1
  14. 20. being too short for your age due to severe and chronic malnutrition
  15. 21. People whose ancestors were born in the same region and who often share a language, culture, and religion
  16. 22. remains hidden until a stimulus brings it to mind
  17. 23. The environment affords opportunities for interactions with what is perceived
  18. 24. A group of people who are regarded by themselves or by others as distinct from other groups on the basis of physical appearance
  19. 26. was designed to provide the illusion of a sudden drop-off between one horizontal surface and another.
  20. 27. Require basic common experiences in to develop normally (i.e. people who love them)
  21. 29. Rapid eye movement sleep, Dreaming, rapid brain waves
  22. 30. the ability to coordinate the two eyes to see one image, appears at 3 months
  23. 31. the intersection between the axon terminals of one neuron and the dendrites of other neurons.
  24. 32. Physical abilities involving large body movements (e.g. walking, jumping)
  25. 35. the high-pitched, simplified, and repetitive way adults speak to infants
  26. 41. develops during the last trimester of pregnancy is already quite acute at birth the most advanced of the newborn’s senses
  27. 42. the extended repetition of certain syllables, such as ba-ba-ba, that begins when babies are between 6 and 9 months old
  28. 43. point on a ranking scale of 0 to 100
  1. 1. occurring when an infant is forcefully shaken back and forth
  2. 2. the realization that objects (including people) still exist when they can no longer be seen, touched, or hear.
  3. 3. a fiber that extends from a neuron transmits electrochemical impulses from that neuron to the dendrites of other neurons.
  4. 8. the area for anticipation, planning, and impulse control
  5. 9. Piaget’s term for the way infants think during the first period of cognitive development
  6. 15. support cells in the brain
  7. 17. (event related potential): notes amplitude and frequency of electrical activity
  8. 18. The response of a sensory system (eyes, ears, skin, tongue, nose) when it detects a stimulus.
  9. 25. the outer layers of the brain
  10. 27. can be recalled on demand, usually with words
  11. 28. The mental processing of sensory information when the brain interprets a sensation
  12. 30. Within the brain, large groups of neurons form distinct areas
  13. 33. is the least mature sense at birth
  14. 34. a fiber that extends from a neuron receives electrochemical impulses transmitted from other neurons via their axons.
  15. 36. custom of parents and children sleeping in same room, more common in Asia, Africa and Latin America than in Western cultures
  16. 37. unused neurons and misconnected dendrites die
  17. 38. Protects the brain when malnutrition disrupts body growth
  18. 39. being very underweight due to malnutrition
  19. 40. used to locate neurological responses to stimuli
  20. 44. measures electric activity in cortex