  1. 5. Indian festival of colors
  2. 6. American music and arts festival
  3. 7. Chinese festival to honor the dead
  4. 9. Japanese celebration of cherry blossoms
  5. 12. European festival marking the transition from spring to summer
  6. 14. International Workers' Day
  7. 15. Buddhist festival celebrating the birth of Buddha
  8. 16. Chinese New Year celebration
  9. 17. Christian observance before Easter Sunday
  10. 18. Dutch national holiday celebrating the king's birthday
  11. 19. Celtic festival celebrating the beginning of summer
  1. 1. Jewish holiday commemorating the exodus from Egypt
  2. 2. Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus
  3. 3. Traditional Chinese festival honoring ancestors
  4. 4. Korean dish made with fermented vegetables
  5. 8. Persian New Year celebrating the arrival of spring
  6. 10. Thai New Year festival involving water fights
  7. 11. Japanese festival celebrating cherry blossoms
  8. 13. Christian observance before Easter
  9. 16. Korean Lunar New Year