- 1. This movie is about a homicide detective who accidentally discovers a cross-time radio frequency on his late father's ham radio
- 4. QSO
- 7. Radio Emergency Associated Communication Teams
- 11. jungle cats roamed across this mfg. lineup.
- 14. Slang for 27.555
- 16. Tram calls this "home"
- 18. on AM it's your "20" but on sideband it's your....
- 20. This chemical element is the name of what was the largest CB retail/distributor in the U.S.
- 22. MLA
- 25. ex-young lady
- 26. satellite Mfg. known for a high-end CB
- 30. directional antenna
- 32. Name for dangerous tire treads lying on the road
- 33. The monthly magazine by the A.R.R.L.
- 34. zulu
- 37. Online auctions for CB and Ham radio gear
- 38. a well known ham who built CB radios
- 39. abrev. for "coordinated Universal Time"
- 41. Common mode used on 2 meters
- 42. Name of the first movie made that was entirely focussed on CB radio.
- 46. manufacturer of CB antenna's in the 70's
- 47. World famous Freeband radio group
- 48. Control on CB to fine tune SSB signals
- 1. Yaesu's FT-101 spawned it's own newsletter for fixes and mod's
- 2. SSB is short for....
- 3. CB channel used primarily by truckers
- 5. Standing Wave Ratio (abrv).
- 6. Something you do to tube finals to avoid unwanted internal capacitances
- 8. Necessary test equipment
- 9. You need one to use a mobile radio as a base.
- 10. The layer in the atmosphere responsible for "skip"
- 12. One of the largest CB/ham radio related forums in the world
- 13. 10-4
- 15. Contest pitting one radio transmitter against another.
- 17. Macbeth would be proud of this antenna company
- 19. an amateur radio operator
- 21. The general location in England where weekly 'nets are held on 27.515
- 23. Browning
- 24. this President radio named after the first president to circumnavigate the world
- 27. short for Sideband Engineers
- 28. Police
- 29. this snake is known by cb'ers around the world
- 31. Abrev. for Citizens Band
- 33. The name of the paper you receive in the mail confirming a radio contact
- 35. German word for "radio"
- 36. a type of resistor that is used to measure electric current
- 40. Output power is measured in...
- 43. Highest license in Amateur Radio
- 44. Common abreviation for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- 45. the PDL-II was what type of beam
- 46. This person is oftern referred to as the "father of CB"