1. Countries

  1. 3. The country with more than 2800 varieties of potatoes
  2. 5. The world's superpower
  3. 8. The world's largest archipelago
  4. 10. The country with maximum biodiversity
  5. 11. The country with world's tallest residents
  6. 14. The world's most populous country
  7. 15. The world's largest producer of mangoes
  1. 1. Island nation that is also a continent
  2. 2. The country with maximum oil reserves
  3. 4. Country that cannot join FIFA because grass cannot grow there
  4. 6. The world's happiest country for many times in a row
  5. 7. The country with the most time zones
  6. 9. The world's most peaceful country
  7. 12. The biggest country in the world
  8. 13. Considered to be the most beautiful country