1. Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. daily
  2. 8. palace
  3. 10. mistress
  4. 12. king
  5. 13. although
  6. 14. husband
  7. 16. difficult
  8. 18. himself, herself, themselves
  9. 20. necessary
  10. 22. astonished
  1. 1. destroy
  2. 2. that
  3. 4. right, proper
  4. 5. gift
  5. 6. someone, something
  6. 7. how
  7. 9. among
  8. 11. surely not?
  9. 15. when, where
  10. 16. diligently
  11. 17. faithful, loyal
  12. 19. god
  13. 21. and