1 John

  1. 6. He who__ his brother is in darkness. (2:11)
  2. 7. The__ of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin(1:7)
  3. 8. If we walk in the light we have__with Him(1:7)
  4. 11. He Himself is the___for our sins (2:2)
  5. 13. God is light and no___ is in Him. (1:5)
  6. 16. Even now many antichrists have__.(2:18)
  7. 17. The promise He has promised us (2:25)
  1. 1. The world is__ away. (2:17)
  2. 2. If any1 loves the__, God's love isn't in him (2:15)
  3. 3. Who was John talking about being witness of?(1:1-2)
  4. 4. We write all this to you so your__ may be full(1:4)
  5. 5. He who says I kno Him and doesn't follow is a__(2:4)
  6. 9. We make Him a liar if we say we haven't__(1:10)
  7. 10. Whoever denies the__ doesn't have the Father(2:23)
  8. 12. No lie is of the__. (2:21)
  9. 14. He who does the will of God abides__. (2:17)
  10. 15. You know you Him if you__ His commandments. (2:3)