- 2. Living according to what is morally right and just
- 3. One who guides, protects, and cares for a flock of sheep
- 5. One of Jesus' disciples and a leader in the early Christian church
- 9. Experiencing pain or hardship
- 12. An affectionate and caring feeling towards others
- 13. Rising from the dead or coming back to life
- 15. The good news of Jesus Christ and his teachings
- 16. Description
- 1. Something received or passed down as a result of being in a family
- 4. A feeling of expectation and trust in something positive
- 6. A letter or written message
- 7. Kindness, tenderness, and humility in dealing with others
- 8. God's unearned favor and kindness towards humanity
- 10. Trusting in something or someone, even without seeing it
- 11. Sacred, pure, and set apart by God
- 14. Being saved or rescued from sin and its consequences