Social 20-1

  1. 2. To bring to trial and punish the major war criminals of the Axis countries.
  2. 5. Intervening in another country’s affairs without getting approval.
  3. 8. The genocide of European Jews during World War II, between 1941 and 1945.
  4. 18. chain of events that started in October 1970 when members of the FLQ kidnapped the provincial Labour Minister Pierre Laporte and British diplomat James Cross from his Montreal residence.
  5. 19. Man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians.
  6. 20. This organization was created after the horror of World War Two to avoid the scourge of war. Its fundamental belief is peace can be achieved through multilateralism.
  7. 26. Land dispute between a group of Mohawk people and the town of Oka, Quebec, Canada.
  8. 31. World War II started when Germany invaded which country
  9. 32. As a defeated country who was blamed for starting the Great war?
  10. 33. Who was the head of the Soviet Union?
  11. 34. Intergovernmental military alliance between 31 member states.
  12. 37. Granted Francophones land, French civil law, freedom of religion, and promoted the role of the church. Appeased the French speaking majority and angered an Anglophone minority.
  13. 38. Supervised territories known as trusts to help them work towards independence.
  14. 39. This British Admiral defeated Napoleon’s navy in Egypt and later at Cape Trafalgar.
  15. 41. A person who has left their own country in order to settle in another, typically for political reasons.
  16. 42. Tax on the import and export of goods
  17. 43. Against which country did the soviet union instigate an armed conflict in late 1939?
  18. 46. The League would use world opinion to persuade the offending nation to accept a settlement
  19. 47. Iraq annexes Kuwait in august 1990. At first, the international community attempts to use diplomacy and pressure.
  20. 48. Manipulation of information to influence public opinion.
  21. 49. Supreme authority within a territory, as well as external autonomy from other states.
  22. 50. Security In the first decade, the United Nations sent military observers to trouble spots like Palestine, Israel, Pakistan and India.
  1. 1. Which term refers to a system by which nations consult others in matters of foreign policy, by way of organizations such as the United Nations.
  2. 3. Which place was the site of the last major battle of World War II?
  3. 4. The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group
  4. 6. The state took control of all farmers' lands and formed collective farms, farmers were ordered to work on these collective farms.
  5. 7. Systematic removal of a certain ethnic or religious group.
  6. 9. This policy was championed by Neville Chamberlain to avoid a potential war. At the Munich conference, Chamberlain gave into Hitler’s demand for the Sudetenland.
  7. 10. Which country suffered the most military deaths by far during World War II?
  8. 11. international diplomatic meetings to discuss and agree upon a possible new layout of the European political and constitutional order after the downfall of the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.
  9. 12. The action or process of a state withdrawing from a former colony, leaving it independent.
  10. 13. French military leader, French Emperor 1804–1814 and again in 1815.
  11. 14. The League would cut off world trade with the offending nation
  12. 15. Are not required to remain neutral, they may shoot to kill and they may enter a country even if they have not been invited.
  13. 16. This policy was championed by Neville Chamberlain to avoid a potential war. At the Munich conference, Chamberlain gave into Hitler’s demand for the Sudetenland.
  14. 17. Defined the Americas, the new world as under America’s sphere of influence and free from European, Old World, colonialism.
  15. 21. Ideology and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland.
  16. 22. Has the primary responsibility with the United Nations of maintaining international peace and security.
  17. 23. Form of nationalism espousing freedom, tolerance, equality and individual rights
  18. 24. Getting rid of all national obstacles to free trade, such as border checks and custom duties, as if Europe were one country.
  19. 25. What made the trials illegitimate?
  20. 27. International security philosophy that everyone is safer together; that the security of one is the concern of all.
  21. 28. Instead of just a sense of nationalism or patriotism, internationalists believe they are part of the entire human race, and thus have a responsibility in the international community.
  22. 29. A unilateral act where territory is seized and held by one state, as distinct from conquest and differs from cession, in which territory is given or sold through treaty
  23. 30. Prevented the UN from doing anything that might be counter to the interests of any of the permanent members.
  24. 35. The UN led by the US defended South Korean sovereignty from the communist north supported by the newly formed People’s Republic of China.
  25. 36. Non-restrictive list of peaceful, diplomatic, and judicial means of resolving disputes.
  26. 40. Appeared to be a rejection of Bush’s unilateralism as he claimed he would end the war in Iraq and finish the fight against al Qaeda.
  27. 44. Protection of Central Canada’s struggling industries.
  28. 45. America was accused of acting unilaterally when it led an invasion into this country in 2003 under the belief that the country had weapons of mass destruction. America was accused of wanting to assure its access to oil.