  1. 2. many equal parts the whole is divided into
  2. 5. number - whole numbers from 1 up
  3. 6. - how many parts of a whole; numerator represents how many parts; denominator represents
  4. 8. - a positive or negative whole number
  5. 9. number - basic counting numbers including 0; no fr
  6. 11. number - a number greater than 0; right of 0 on the number line
  7. 12. number - a number less than 0; left of 0 on the number line
  1. 1. fraction - a fraction that also has a fraction on the top, bottom or both
  2. 3. number - numbers that can be written in the form a/b, where b does not equal 0
  3. 4. no negative numbers or fractions
  4. 7. decimal - a decimal with a digit or group of digits that repeats forever; shown by ...
  5. 10. decimal - a decimal that has digits that end
  6. 13. or decimals, not negative