10. Horror Books

  1. 2. Henry James classic, The Turn of the...
  2. 4. 2004 Johnny Deep film based on Stephen King book, Secret...
  3. 7. Peter Straub novel: ... Story
  4. 8. Norman Bates' place of work in Psycho
  5. 9. Clive Barker's Hellraiser book, The ... Heart
  6. 13. Monsters in World War Z
  7. 15. ... Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  8. 17. Richard Matheson book, I am...
  9. 18. The Woman in Black's haunted house: Eel ... House
  10. 19. Patrick's surname in American Psycho
  1. 1. Who had the Devil's baby in Ira Levin's 1967 novel?
  2. 3. First name of The Exorcist author
  3. 5. Annie - Paul Sheldon's number one fan
  4. 6. Poe's book The Murders in the Rue...
  5. 10. Thomas, creator of Hannibal Lecter
  6. 11. Frankenstein's first name
  7. 12. Let the which one in? 2004 vampire novel
  8. 14. Evil clown in Stephen King's It
  9. 16. British seaside town that Dracula visits
  10. 17. Main vampire in Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles books