10 PEX Equity Crossword

  1. 3. Delivery challenges due to overlapping program schedules.
  2. 5. Fair access to sports for all students.
  3. 7. How easily students can participate in sport programs.
  4. 11. Health and physical education classes face this due to theory delivery.
  5. 13. Metropolitan schools often have limited green space.
  6. 15. Time-consuming process with sporting organizations.
  7. 18. The chance for students to participate in sports.
  8. 19. The level of involvement and interest students show in sports activities.
  9. 20. Ensuring all students feel welcomed in sport.
  1. 1. Limited availability, especially in regional areas.
  2. 2. Varies in range, age, and quality among schools.
  3. 4. Financial support provided for sports programs and facilities.
  4. 6. A situation that makes it harder for some students to participate in sports.
  5. 8. Needed between schools and sport deliverers for effective program scheduling.
  6. 9. The act of taking part in a sport or activity.
  7. 10. HPE departments often lack time and these.
  8. 12. The drive or desire to participate in sports activities
  9. 14. Balancing theory with physical activity can be challenging.
  10. 16. Non-HPE specialist teachers may lack this.
  11. 17. Assistance provided to help students engage in sports.