100 Most Common SAT Vocabulary Words Part 2

  1. 3. -- (v) to harm the reputation of, dishonor or disgrace
  2. 6. -- (adj) careful and hard-working
  3. 7. -- (adj) weakening, tiring
  4. 8. -- (adj) red-colored, flushed; gaudy, ornate
  5. 9. -- (n) the act of refraining from pleasurable activity, e.g., eating or drinking
  6. 10. -- (adj) harmful, destructive, detrimental
  7. 12. -- (n) the state of separate elements joining or coming together
  8. 17. -- (n) identification with the feelings of others
  9. 18. -- (adj) arrogant and condescending
  10. 19. -- (adj) thrifty, cheap
  11. 23. -- (adj) momentary, transient, fleeting
  12. 25. -- (adj) out-of-date, not attributed to the correct historical period
  13. 28. -- (adj) outstanding, an example to others
  14. 29. -- (adj) separating, moving in different directions from a particular point
  15. 30. -- (n) the act of turning aside, straying from the main point, esp. in a speech or argument
  16. 37. -- (adj) persistent, hard-working
  17. 39. -- (n) a crowd of people, an assembly
  18. 40. -- (adj) pertaining to beauty or the arts
  19. 41. -- (adj) depending on a condition, e.g., in a contract
  20. 42. -- (adj) friendly and helpful
  21. 43. -- (adj) quickly fading, short-lived, esp. an image
  22. 44. -- (n) leader, rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejudice
  1. 1. -- (v) to criticize harshly
  2. 2. -- (n) high praise
  3. 4. -- (v) to regard with scorn or contempt
  4. 5. -- (n) short, usually funny account of an event
  5. 7. -- (n) irritation, frustration
  6. 11. -- (adj) indirect, taking the longest route
  7. 12. -- (n) person who complies with accepted rules and customs
  8. 13. -- (n) sympathy, helpfulness or mercy
  9. 14. -- (n) assumption, theory requiring proof
  10. 15. -- (v) to imitate, follow an example
  11. 16. -- (adj) cliched, worn out by overuse
  12. 20. -- (n) sanctuary, shelter, place of refuge
  13. 21. -- (adj) friendly, agreeable
  14. 22. -- (n) misfortune, an unfavorable turn of events
  15. 24. -- (adj) excusing, lessening the seriousness of guilt or crime, e.g., of mitigating factors
  16. 25. -- (adj) extremely dry or deathly boring
  17. 26. -- (adj) possessing an attitude of superiority, patronizing
  18. 27. -- (adj) exceptionally insightful, able to foresee the future
  19. 31. -- (v) to improve, bring to a greater level of intensity
  20. 32. -- (n) trust, sociability amongst friends
  21. 33. -- (n) foe, opponent, adversary
  22. 34. -- (v) to shorten, abridge
  23. 35. -- (adj) nameless, without a disclosed identity
  24. 36. -- (adj) happening by luck, fortunate
  25. 38. -- (n) person who pursues pleasure as a goal
  26. 39. -- (v) to cooperate, work together
  27. 41. -- (v) to settle a dispute by terms agreeable to both sides