10.3 World War I Ends

  1. 3. list of terms for resolving WWI and future wars outlined by American President Woodrow Wilson in January 1918
  2. 6. British liner torpedoed by a German submarine in May 1915
  3. 8. system in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all
  4. 11. spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause
  5. 13. “the draft,” which required all young men to be ready for military or other service
  6. 14. one who favors extreme changes
  1. 1. right of people to choose their own form of government
  2. 2. after World War I, a territory administered by a Western power
  3. 4. payment for war damage or damage caused by imprisonment
  4. 5. horrible act committed against innocent people
  5. 7. agreement to end fighting in a war
  6. 9. channeling of a nation’s entire resources into a war effort
  7. 10. during wartime, military supplies and raw materials needed to make military supplies that may legally be confiscated by any belligerent
  8. 12. spread of a disease across a large area, country, continent, or the entire world