10IC chemical formulae

  1. 2. The name given to an acid if it is strong enough to seriously burn you
  2. 6. NaCl
  3. 11. The acid we used in the lab
  4. 12. The charge on an oxide ion
  5. 13. Al2O3
  6. 14. What all compounds become when their positive and negative ions join together
  1. 1. The metal that we added to acid in the lab
  2. 3. Made from two hydrogens one sulfur and four oxygens
  3. 4. Represented by the chemical symbol Ag
  4. 5. NaOH
  5. 6. Need to be warn in the lab to protect your eyes
  6. 7. MgCO3
  7. 8. H2, given off when metal reacts with acid
  8. 9. The official name for our science lab
  9. 10. The colour that the phenolphthlein indicator turned in alkali