
  1. 1. Self-confident assurance; poise
  2. 5. To attack with harsh criticism
  3. 7. To trespass upon, to violate
  4. 8. Imposing rigid standards of performance; Severe; Strict
  5. 10. with supernatural phenomena, involving the supernatural
  6. 11. Pompous in speech or writing
  7. 12. To make or grow better
  8. 15. State of weariness, diminished energy, or listlessness
  9. 16. To urge by strong, argument, admonition, or advice
  10. 17. Foolish talk or thinking, nonsense
  1. 2. To spread or diffuse through
  2. 3. To win confidence or good graces for oneself
  3. 4. A simplified representation, a summary
  4. 6. To cause to happen early or prematurely
  5. 9. Inherent, relating to the essential nature of a thing
  6. 13. Immature, inexperienced
  7. 14. An idea or opinion that lacks proof, a conjecture