11. 70's Horror Movies

  1. 2. Joe Dante's killer fish movie
  2. 8. Scary phone killer: When a ... Stranger Calls
  3. 9. Killer in The Town That Dreaded Sundown
  4. 10. The Tall Man's movie
  5. 13. I Spit on Your...
  6. 17. Dawn of the Dead makeup effects man, Tom...
  7. 20. Michael - The Hills Have Eyes bad guy
  1. 1. Cult anthology horror: Trilogy of...
  2. 3. It was originally named The Babysitter Murders
  3. 4. The Legend of ... Creek (1972)
  4. 5. Dario Argento's ballet school movie
  5. 6. Blaxploitation Dracula
  6. 7. Name of the Antichrist in The Omen
  7. 11. Exorcist sequel, The...
  8. 12. Name of the island in The Wicker Man
  9. 14. Italian city in Don't Look Now
  10. 15. Tobe - director of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  11. 16. George Romero's vampire movie
  12. 18. Alien designer: H.R...
  13. 19. The island in Jaws