1.10 - validation and strings

  1. 5. What type of check are you doing when you are making sure the user has not typed nothing? (8)
  2. 7. What type of check is used when you are comparing user input with one of a number of pre-defined choices? (6)
  3. 9. ______ data is data that is within the limits that you would typically expect when people are using your program. (6)
  4. 12. Most programs needs some form of _____ from either the user, a sensor or some other source such as a file. (5)
  5. 13. What type of check is used when you are making sure data falls withing specified values? (5)
  6. 14. The short version for "garbage in garbage out".
  7. 15. What is the process called where you only allow certain users to log in to a network? (14)
  1. 1. How many types of data should you use during testing validation? (5)
  2. 2. _________ data is data that should not be accepted by your program. (9)
  3. 3. Ensuring the data entered by the user is fit for purpose. (10)
  4. 4. There are ____ types of check mentioned in the book. (4)
  5. 6. The word "try" is used during _________ handling. (9)
  6. 8. ________ data is data that is right on the edge between normal and erroneous. (8)
  7. 10. What type of check is happening if you are making sure a string is not too long and not too short? (6)
  8. 11. It helps if we make our programs more user ________ so people can easily use them. (8)