- 1. Often used to separate the various data fields in a CSV file. (5)
- 4. The open function returns a file ______. (6)
- 8. The special character "\n" is used to denote the end of a ____. (4)
- 10. The file extension for a text file is this? (3)
- 11. The function that is used to read the entire contents of a file into a list. (9)
- 1. A Comma Separated Value file has this short name. (3)
- 2. The mode "a" will open a file for? (6)
- 3. The mode "r" will open a file for? (8)
- 5. When you have finished working with a file you must always remember to _____ it. (5)
- 6. A ____ file is a useful place to store things permanently. (4)
- 7. The mode "w" will open a file for? (7)
- 9. The function that you must always used before you can do anything with a file. (4)