1.3 Digital Communication

  1. 5. the office email client
  2. 8. An operating system for mobile devices. Common mobile operating systems include Android and iOS.
  3. 9. Similar to a telephone call, but with live video feed. Video calls send data over the Internet and use VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol).
  4. 10. Short Message Service (SMS). The technical name for texting on cell phones. Service that provides quick exchange of short messages that is provided through a cellular carrier instead of the Internet.
  5. 11. A person who purposely starts fights on the Internet to sow discord and cause distress.
  6. 13. A file that is sent along with an email.
  1. 1. A service where one user can type a message and another user immediately receives it. Also called chat.
  2. 2. A website where people can discuss various topics by posting messages. Typically, each conversation topic is a top-level post, and discussions happen as replies to the original post.
  3. 3. stands for blind carbon copy. People added to this field receive the email, but their addresses are hidden from other recipients.
  4. 4. A program designed to run on a mobile device with a touch-screen interface. Mobile apps are typically downloaded through an app store.
  5. 5. Authentication
  6. 6. A message sent from a computer user to one or more recipients.
  7. 7. Card Subscriber Identity Module. A small chip that gives a mobile phone a unique customer ID, phone number, and authentication codes.
  8. 11. Screen A display screen on a computing device that can process user input through touch.
  9. 12. Rules for being safe, courteous, and polite on the Internet.
  10. 14. stands for carbon copy. Add people to this field who should be kept in the loop, but aren't necessarily expected to