  1. 1. Dismissive farewell from "Friday"
  2. 4. Reminder from "The Outsiders"
  3. 6. Austin Powers’ exclamation
  4. 8. Trump’s line in "The Apprentice"
  5. 10. Exclamation in "Batman" and sports
  6. 12. Dairy industry's question
  7. 13. Beginning of a Harry Potter spell
  8. 14. Nell Carter’s sitcom and its theme song
  1. 2. Buffer's boxing intro
  2. 3. Apu’s line in "The Simpsons"
  3. 5. Expression of concern
  4. 7. Dr. Sam’s line in "Quantum Leap"
  5. 9. Enthusiastic approval in many shows
  6. 11. Confusion in many comedies
  7. 15. Departure declaration