16 Career Clusters

  1. 2. people who like food and/or traveling
  2. 4. like making things and DIYs
  3. 7. good leadership and role models
  4. 8. good listening skills and patience
  5. 9. usually are good at communication skills
  6. 11. good at math, can explain things
  7. 13. like to drive or fix vehicles
  8. 15. most of these jobs are outside
  1. 1. interest in politics, good communication
  2. 3. usually in office, for technology people
  3. 5. good communication skills talkative
  4. 6. good at math and enjoy design/decor
  5. 8. like to help others, in hospital usually
  6. 10. loves science or math, usually in lab
  7. 12. in this field like dance,music, acting
  8. 14. brave and want to protect people