16 Carrer Clusters

  1. 3. Sales and Service Real Estate Agent
  2. 5. and Training Preschool Teacher
  3. 7. Management,and Administration Marketing Assistant
  4. 10. Technology, and Communications
  5. 11. and Public Administration flight attendent
  6. 12. bank teller
  7. 14. Public Safety, Corrections, and Security lawyer
  8. 16. and Construction Architect
  9. 17. and Tourism Travel Agent
  1. 1. Distribution, and Logistics pilot
  2. 2. Technology Computer Engineer
  3. 4. Services hair stylist
  4. 6. Food and Natural Resources Veterinarian
  5. 8. Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
  6. 9. Electrician
  7. 13. scientist
  8. 15. Science dentist