
  1. 3. a Lithuanian-American Jewish singer
  2. 4. a code of silence about criminal activity and a refusal to give evidence to authorities
  3. 5. partners with independent agents to choose the right insurance products for you
  4. 7. people who travelled by sea to get alcohol, bring it to America, and get it across the line of Prohibition
  5. 9. a neighborhood in Upper Manhattan
  6. 10. was found guilty and was fined $100
  7. 13. a subculture of young Western women in the 1920s
  8. 16. This player had a disease named after him
  9. 17. this kind of music was created in the 1920's
  10. 20. one of the largest movements of people in United States history
  1. 1. the action of forbidding something, especially by law
  2. 2. clear, unaged whiskey
  3. 6. Famous singer
  4. 8. the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants.
  5. 11. This person smuggled alcohol into the US
  6. 12. Baseball legend that hit multiple home runs
  7. 14. Biography, Filmography, News, Live Performances dates, Video Clips and Trailers, Music and Song Lyrics
  8. 15. a fishmonger
  9. 18. a secret criminal society of Sicily or Italy
  10. 19. this person made a cheap affordable car