1920s Review

  1. 4. Place to drink illegally
  2. 5. Radio shows and movies brought the influence of ________________ pop culture to Canada
  3. 7. Agnes Macphail was the first women in this part of the Canadian government
  4. 8. EYCI male athletes
  5. 9. Reasons for immigrating to a new county
  6. 12. Prime Minister who wanted greater independence for Canada
  7. 14. The two Canadian doctors who developed a treatment for diabetes (last names)
  8. 17. Reason we can't have food or drinks in class
  9. 18. Group that was virtually banned from immigrating to Canada
  10. 19. Reasons for emigrating from your home country
  11. 20. Event in which Canada refused to support British troops in Turkey
  12. 23. Short haircut that was trendy in the 1920s
  13. 24. Injecting this was the first effective treatment for diabetes
  1. 1. This legal case finally ruled that women had the equal right to participate in politics
  2. 2. EYCI female athletes
  3. 3. Overturned by protesting workers
  4. 6. People who smuggled illegal alcohol
  5. 7. Law banning alcohol
  6. 10. A shift from life in the countryside to life in the cities
  7. 11. City that had a general strike in 1919
  8. 13. One result of banning alcohol
  9. 15. Group that fought for women's equality
  10. 16. Name for movies with sound - something new in 1927!
  11. 21. Another word for car
  12. 22. Fashionable young women who rebelled against traditional gender roles