1920's Technology Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. These places were made for people to refill their cars gas tanks.
  2. 4. An amazing invention that let people see n dark places by using electricity instead of fire lamps.
  3. 7. A big jump in energy technology, by harnessing the power of Niagara falls we were able to create this type of energy.
  4. 9. A machine that let you stream in broadcasts and music.
  5. 10. Producing a large quantity of the same thing.
  6. 11. The ford model T is an example of this transportation device.
  7. 15. A very popular household cleaner.
  8. 16. A word used to describe the growing of a city.
  9. 17. Roadside homesteads that you can rent for the night,this is another invention sparked by the invention of cars.
  10. 18. This energy was produced by generators and powered things like lights and household appliances.
  1. 1. The name of our groups topic.
  2. 2. This is and empty lot dedicated to people leaving their cars there,this is another invention sparked by the invention of cars.
  3. 5. A big transportation device that fly's through the air.
  4. 6. A revolutionary device that let you communicate with people far away.
  5. 8. When a city grows industrially.
  6. 11. The thing the ford model T was made on.
  7. 12. Roads made out of a smoother material were invented for the large amount of cars.
  8. 13. A very large cold kitchen appliance.
  9. 14. A large hot kitchen appliance.
  10. 17. The vacuum cleaner, refrigerator and radio are examples of this.