1960s Cars: Car Culture

  1. 4. Groups of enthusiasts with shared interests.
  2. 9. Customized cars with modified engines.
  3. 10. Popular stock car racing organization.
  4. 11. Unconventional and intentionally rough-looking hot rods.
  5. 12. Leisurely driving, often a social activity.
  6. 14. Cars with wooden panels, popular for surf culture.
  7. 15. A drive-in restaurant where carhops served food.
  8. 18. High-performance and powerful American cars.
  9. 19. Formula One and other high-speed racing events.
  1. 1. High-speed competitions on a straight-line track.
  2. 2. Doors that open upward, also known as "Lambo doors."
  3. 3. Customized cars with lowered suspension.
  4. 4. Personalized and unique car paint jobs.
  5. 5. Events to display and admire classic vehicles.
  6. 6. High-powered eight-cylinder engines.
  7. 7. Drag racing cars with raised front ends.
  8. 8. A unit of measurement for an engine's power.
  9. 13. Detroit's iconic cruising and racing boulevard.
  10. 16. Decorative hand-painted designs on cars.
  11. 17. Enthusiasts with a passion for cars and engines.