1960s Technology: Cold War Technology

  1. 3. Gathering of secret information.
  2. 6. Espionage and intelligence activities.
  3. 7. North American Aerospace Defense Command.
  4. 9. Treaty to limit nuclear weapons testing.
  5. 11. Radioactive debris from nuclear explosions.
  6. 12. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) against missile attacks.
  7. 16. Tense confrontation between the U.S. and USSR.
  8. 18. Competition between superpowers in space technology.
  9. 19. Civil defense strategy during the Cold War.
  10. 20. Broadcasting to Eastern Bloc countries.
  1. 1. Underwater vessel armed with nuclear missiles.
  2. 2. Belief that communism would spread if one country fell.
  3. 4. The period of political tension between East and West.
  4. 5. Underground structures for nuclear fallout protection.
  5. 8. Space-based monitoring of strategic locations.
  6. 10. Symbolic representation of global threat level.
  7. 13. Term describing the division of Europe.
  8. 14. Measures taken to protect civilians during nuclear attacks.
  9. 15. High-altitude reconnaissance aircraft.
  10. 17. Intercontinental ballistic missile technology.