1960s Vietnam War

  1. 3. - Highly flammable chemical used in bombing raids.
  2. 5. - Leader of North Vietnam during the war.
  3. 7. Lai - Site of a notorious massacre of civilians by US soldiers.
  4. 8. - Capital of South Vietnam during the war.
  5. 10. - Demilitarized zone separating North and South Vietnam.
  6. 14. - Communist guerrilla force in Vietnam.
  7. 15. - Chemical used in warfare to defoliate jungle foliage.
  8. 17. - Increase in US involvement in the war.
  9. 18. - Opposition to the war by citizens in the US and other countries.
  1. 1. - System for selecting individuals for military service.
  2. 2. - Theory that the spread of communism in Southeast Asia would lead to a chain reaction of communist takeovers.
  3. 4. - Aircraft used extensively in Vietnam for transportation and combat.
  4. 5. - Slang term used by US soldiers to describe the Vietnamese cuisine.
  5. 6. - Dense forest vegetation prevalent in many parts of Vietnam.
  6. 9. - Fighter who uses unconventional tactics in warfare.
  7. 10. - President of South Vietnam before his assassination in 1963.
  8. 11. - Acronym for soldiers who were missing in action.
  9. 12. - Military operation aimed at finding and destroying enemy forces.
  10. 13. - Capital city of North Vietnam.
  11. 16. - Major offensive by North Vietnamese forces during the holiday of Tet.