1st 9 Weeks Science Test Reveiw

  1. 1. Two or more elements combined are a ________?
  2. 4. An element's properties can be predicted from its ____________ on the Periodic Table.
  3. 5. An element's atomic ____________ shows the number of protons in its nucleus.
  4. 7. What are good conductors of heat and electricity?
  5. 8. ____________ means written below.
  6. 9. What is the building block of all matter?
  7. 11. The number of periods on the Periodic Table.
  8. 12. A _________ has a negative charge.
  9. 14. A _________ has a positive charge.
  10. 16. The __________ Model claimed that electrons moved around the nucleus in orbits.
  11. 17. Protons and neutrons are located in the __________.
  1. 1. Groups on the Periodic Table are arranged in ________.
  2. 2. ______________, ability to be pounded into shape, is a property of a metal.
  3. 3. Which are found on the right of the zigzag line of the Periodic Table?
  4. 6. Dimitri Mendeleev created the first ____________ Table.
  5. 10. When two liquids are combined and form something new, it is called a _________?
  6. 13. A _________ has a neutral charge.
  7. 15. When two liquids are combined and they do not form something new, it is called a _________?