1st Quarter Terminology

  1. 3. show the position of a noun/pronoun
  2. 5. shows visible/mental action, sometimes linking
  3. 8. the character/authority of the speaker/writer
  4. 9. emotional/associated connection
  5. 10. exclamatory word expressing feeling/emotion
  6. 11. dictionary meaning of a word
  7. 13. topic sentence making a point
  8. 14. logical
  1. 1. modify verbs/adjectives/adverbs
  2. 2. describes nouns/pronouns
  3. 3. substitutes for nouns
  4. 4. disprove the opposite side
  5. 6. joins words/phrases/clauses
  6. 7. person/place/thing/idea
  7. 12. emotional connection