1st Sunday of Lent (Year B) Scripture Readings

  1. 4. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who _____ your covenant.
  2. 10. number of people saved in the ark from the Great Flood
  3. 12. an outward sign signifying an inward reality
  4. 14. While we are on our Lenten journey, we should expect to confront _____ as Jesus did.
  5. 15. descended on Jesus during His baptism and then immediately drove Him out into the desert
  6. 16. Israel’s long time of waiting for a decisive entrance by God on their behalf has come
  7. 22. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your _____.
  8. 25. The _____ _____ is that God loves you so much that he sent his one and only begotten Son to die for your sins so that you could be with him eternally.
  9. 26. the outward sign of Baptism
  10. 27. Noah was _____ to God.
  11. 29. Repent and believe in the _____.
  12. 31. During _____, we allow the Spirit to drive us into 40 days of fasting, intensified prayer, and almsgiving.
  13. 33. was arrested before Jesus began his public ministry
  1. 1. protected Noah and his family from the Great Flood
  2. 2. When Jesus says to believe in the Gospel, what he wants you to believe is that he loves you enough to suffer and _____ for you.
  3. 3. Your ways, O Lord, are love and _____ to those who keep your covenant.
  4. 5. said, “The reason why Christ died for sins once for all, the just man for the sake of the unjust, was that He might lead you to God.”
  5. 6. Noah followed God’s instructions and thus was _____.
  6. 7. Noah’s ark prefigured _____, which saves you now.
  7. 8. Christ suffered for the sake of the _____.
  8. 9. Your _____, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant.
  9. 11. to entice someone to do or acquire something they find attractive but know to be wrong or not beneficial
  10. 13. to foreshadow; represent beforehand (something in the Old Testament that becomes more signicant in the New Testament)
  11. 17. one of the two actions required to enter God’s kingdom.
  12. 18. God teaches this to the humble and shows it to sinners (His _____)
  13. 19. touchable and within your grasp; here and now. (Two words Jesus said)
  14. 20. Your ways, O Lord, are _____ and truth to those who keep your covenant.
  15. 21. During Lent, we too will face dangers as Jesus did; but we can also count on the ministry of _____, provided that we trust God.
  16. 23. and believe in the Good News.
  17. 24. the number of days Jesus remained in the desert
  18. 28. Is God faithful in keeping his promises (covenant) even when we’re not?
  19. 30. tempted Jesus in the desert
  20. 32. the visible sign of the covenant between God and Noah’s family